Course curriculum
Breaking Down Barriers
Two-Minute Drill To Social Skill
Small Talk Secrets
Make An Impact/Putting Things Together
Do any of these sound like YOU?
If any of these sound familiar, did you ever wonder if there's a way to flip that script -- FOREVER?
You often feel trapped in an Endless Circle of Small Talk...with no way out!
You get tired of having the same old boring conversation the millionth time.
You believe 'this is just how my life is -- I'm the quiet one who never says much.'
You sometimes just feel INVISIBLE to other people.
You see other people having great conversations and wonder what they're doing differently.
You're filled with DREAD at the thought of yet another painfully forced conversation?
You're plagued by awkward silences and don't know what to fill them with.
You have 'okay' conversations, but would love the tools to make them even better!
Achieve Conversational Confidence in 30 Days or Less!
Things You'll Learn
Creating Conversational Chemistry takes a unique approach to transforming your conversations. It's an amazing journey, especially when you realize you're only a Mindset Shift away from having a whole lot more fun when you talk to people. The course covers:
How to instantly create a comfort level with virtually anyone
How to make a conversation fun & engaging
The true purpose of small talk and how to make it work for you
Why people 'click' (and why they don't).
Foolproof ways to start conversations with total strangers
Methods of creating conversational flow
A perpetual fountain of ideas for topics
And a whole lot more...
I've had awkward conversations my whole life. How can you realistically say you'll change that in a month?
"Creating Conversational Chemistry" is essentially about a mindset shift. You won't become an expert in one month, but I'm confident you WILL be on the road to approaching your conversations in a completely different way, one in which you will start seeing the difference, and RESULTS, immediately! The methods in my program spring from the heart of human nature, and utilize ideas that are SIMPLE to understand and EASY to implement. When you see how easy it is you'll probably slap yourself in the forehead and say, "How did I not figure this out YEARS ago?" (The reason is we get stuck in ho-hum habits and myopic mindsets.) I'm expecting there will be a lot of bruised foreheads after my class!
My life isn't all that interesting -- I haven't been anywhere exciting and I don't have any unusual hobbies. How will I find anything to talk about?
Believe it or not, great conversations are NOT about exotic vacation destinations or obscure hobbies. We all know people who can bore us with their vacation details. We also know people who can tell us about their trip to the post office and make it fun and fascinating! It isn't about the content, it's about the mindset and approach you take to it. And I can't remember the last time I talked about a hobby.
I'm basically an introvert who doesn't enjoy most conversations. But I do wish I could connect better with people. Is there any hope for me?
I felt the same way back when I was a school kid and I was afraid to say anything to anybody. Conversations were torture. Fast forward through a career in public relations and wow, it turns out I'm not an introvert at all! And even if you are, once you learn to have great conversations you will no longer dread them. Instead you'll look forward to them! And yes, I slapped my own forehead once I realized how easy it was to turn that around, and how I could've done it even sooner if only there was someone to point the way. Well, I'm here for you now, and I AM pointing the way! And I'm going to use my years of experience to make things MUCH easier for you to learn.
I've tried changing my conversational habits before and I had no luck. It made me extremely self-conscious and just ended up being a total failure. How do I know this isn't going to be just another disaster?
Oh, I totally hear you on this. Changing something so basic as the way we talk to people is bound to create discomfort, sometimes so much so that we just give up! So believe me, I get it. The thing is, I don't just throw you into the deep end of the pool and expect you to 'sink or swim.' In fact, I think the center of your social life is one of the WORST places to practice a New Way of Being. Why? Because that's like learning to play football at the Superbowl, or trying out your soccer skills at the World Cup! You don't want a grand public stage when you're just learning something new. That's why I've got methods for you to practice that are familiar, frequent, fun and best of all -- FREE! You can get as much practice as you need until you're ready to bring it to your social life.
Not trying to be rude or anything, but if your ideas are so great why haven't I heard of them before?
I appreciate the slightly salty question! You're right, exactly eighty gazillion people have covered this topic before, some in highly-researched books with lots of charts, graphs and footnotes. You're wondering what I know that they don't, right? Challenge accepted! When it comes to human behavior, it's possible to over-analyze (footnotes!), and under-analyze (Just do it!) the problems. It's difficult to hit that 'sweet spot' where you harness the full power of human nature and what our brains are capable of, while keeping things simple enough that you don't trip over your tongue while trying to talk. I'm all about balance, strong visual examples, and a real script-flipping approach that'll make you laugh while you're making your life a whole lot better. And, it totally works.
I'm on the fence. Should I take the course? Talk me into it!
You know, I'm not gonna do that. Yeah, it's tempting to just jump right in, but you know what? I want this to be TRANSFORMATIONAL for you. That's the whole point! So if you're not sure you're ready to focus and do the exercises and work on your mindset and put the work in, well, maybe now isn't the right time. I want you when you're READY to truly TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE. To be honest, I don't want you putting in a half-hearted, distracted effort and then just giving up prematurely. I want really motivated people to show up because I want you to GET RESULTS. Seriously! So if you're not quite ready, I'd suggest holding off a bit until you're ready to Give It Your All. I'm really sincere about that, and I'd love to see you in the future if now's not the time. Thanks for asking that, I think it's a valid question!
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"America's Friend Finder"

Patti Panara
Hear Me Out!
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